Conditions of Entry

As of May 2024

The following conditions of entry apply to all persons entering Sydney Motorsport Park (“SMSP”) unless written consent has been granted from the Australian Racing Drivers’ Club (“ARDC”). Event specific conditions may also apply.


In exchange for being able to attend or participate in the event, you agree:

To release Motorsport Australia (MA, previously “CAMS”) and Australian Motor Sport Commission Ltd, promoters, sponsor organisations, land owners and lessees, organisers of the event, their respective servants, officials, representatives and agents (collectively, the “Associated Entities”) from all liability for your death, personal injury (including burns), psychological trauma, loss or damage (including property damage) (“harm”) howsoever arising from your participation in or attendance at the event, except to the extent prohibited by law;
that MA and the Associated Entities do not make any warranty, implied or express, that the event services will be provided with due care and skill or that any materials provided in connection with the services will be fit for the purpose for which they are supplied; and to attend or participate in the event at your own risk.

You acknowledge that:

  • the risks associated with attending or participating in the event include the risk that you may suffer harm as a result of:
  • motor vehicles (or parts of them) colliding with other motor vehicles, persons or property;
  • acts of violence and other harmful acts (whether intentional or inadvertent) committed by persons attending or participating in the event; and
  • the failure or unsuitability of facilities (including grand-stands, fences and guard rails) to ensure the safety of persons or property at the event.
  • motor sport is dangerous and that accidents causing harm can and do happen and may happen to you. You accept the conditions of, and acknowledge the risks arising from, attending or participating in the event and being provided with the event services by CAMS and the Associated Entities.

Management reserves the right to inspect and / or search bags, motor vehicles and motorcycles brought into or out of the venue. This may require the persons assistance.
Persons gaining unauthorised access to Sydney Motorsport Park will be evicted and may be liable for prosecution.
Persons who use offensive or threatening language, cause a disturbance or refuse to comply with requests made by Sydney Motorsport Park staff will be evicted.
Alcohol cannot be brought into or taken from Sydney Motorsport Park.
Smoking on the premises is not permitted in any pit and paddock areas, seated, thoroughfare and concourse areas and buildings, balconies and pit roof.
Children must be supervised by a responsible adult or guardian at all times.
Persons who throw articles or gain unauthorised entry onto the circuit will be evicted and may be liable for prosecution.
Persons consent to the recording of their image or likeness including audio and visual.
Persons bringing personal items into Sydney Motorsport Park do so at their own risk and Sydney Motorsport Park will not be held responsible for any damages to, loss or theft of personal property.
Any unauthorised commercial activity including ticket selling, soliciting, customer surveying, or attaching advertisements is not permitted.
Any unauthorised capturing of images for commercial use or broadcast in any format is not permitted.
Use of rope, bunting, poles, temporary fencing, tarpaulin, paint, or any other materials to create segregated or reserved viewing areas is strictly prohibited. Sydney Motorsport Park may remove all such materials at their discretion (including at the conclusion of racing on each day of the Event). Any property left unattended at the conclusion of each day will be deemed abandoned and forfeited to Sydney Motorsport Park.

CCTV is in use. Facial recognition, Number plate recognition and audio recording technology may be in use at this venue. Images and data shared with Police for crime prevention and safety purposes.

For the comfort, safety and enjoyment of all persons, management reserves the right to:

  • Refuse entry to any persons deemed to be intoxicated and/or disorderly;
  • Refuse entry to any unauthorised persons;
  • Refuse entry to persons who attempt to bring any restricted or prohibited items into Sydney Motorsport Park.

The following items are not permissible in Sydney Motorsport Park:

  • Glass or breakable containers;
  • Alcoholic beverages;
  • Illicit drugs;
  • Flares, fireworks, laser pointers, knives, firearms, dangerous weapons or any device that has the potential to cause injury or public nuisance;
  • Air horns;
  • Gas BBQ’s, gas bottles or any naked flames;
  • Spray cans or compressed air canisters;
  • All animals except guiding or assistance animals;
  • Skateboards and roller blades;
  • Recording devices for commercial purposes;
  • Platforms, structures or materials to be used to erect platforms or other viewing platforms;
  • Commercial, political or offensive clothing, banners, logos or signage;
  • Outlaw motorcycle or crime gang colours;
  • Any items or goods for public sale.

Persons are permitted to bring the following items into Sydney Motorsport Park:

  • Pre-packaged food such as sandwiches, fruit, biscuits, crisps, etc. for individual consumption;
  • Unopened non-alcoholic beverages for individual consumption.
  • Persons are not permitted to bring packaged or commercial branded food and beverage products to Sydney Motorsport Park.

For the comfort of all within Sydney Motorsport Park, a no-smoking policy is in place for all pit and paddock areas, seated, thoroughfare and concourse areas and buildings balconies and pit roof. Smoking is only permissible in designated smoking areas.

All persons entering Sydney Motorsport Park are advised that:

  • They are entering licensed premises;
  • Intoxicated persons will not be permitted to enter;
  • Persons in possession of liquor will not be permitted to enter;
  • Checking procedures will apply to prevent persons possessing liquor from entering;
  • Intoxicated persons will be removed from the premises;
  • It is an offence for minors to purchase and consume liquor;
  • It is an offence to purchase liquor for (or supply liquor to) minors;
  • Persons supplying liquor to minors will be reported to the Police and penalties apply under the Liquor Act 2007.
  • Persons under 25 years of age may need to show valid ID as proof of age for purchase and consumption of liquor.

Sydney Motorsport Park supports the responsible service of alcohol.

1. Motorsport is dangerous – specific conditions pertaining to Members access to events at Sydney Motorsport Park, Eastern Creek.
a) Member acknowledges that their ARDC Membership Card provides them with access to Sydney Motorsport Park to participate and/or spectate.
b) In exchange for being able to attend any event or events, (and as a condition of issue of the ARDC Membership Card), the Member agrees:
i) To release Motorsport Australia (MA, formerly “CAMS”) and the
Australian Motor Sport Commission Ltd., promoters, sponsor organisations, land
owners and lessees, organisers of the events, their respective servants, officials,
representatives and agents (collectively the “Associated Entities”) from all liability
for your death, personal injury (including burns), psychological trauma, loss or
damage (including property damage), (“harm”) howsoever arising from your
attendance at any event, except to the extent prohibited by law.
ii) That MA and the Associated Entities do not make any warranty, implied or
express, that the event services will be provided with due care and skill or that any
materials provided in connection with the services will be fit for the purpose for
which they are supplied; and to attend or participate in the event at your own risk
iii) You acknowledge that the risks associated with attending the event include the risk that you may suffer harm as a result of motor vehicles (or parts of them) colliding with other motor vehicles, person or property, acts of violence or other harmful acts (whether intentional or inadvertent) committed by persons attending the event, and the failure or unsuitability of facilities (including grand stands, fences, and guard rails) to ensure the safety or persons or property at the event.
iv) Motor sport is dangerous and that accidents causing harm can and do happen and may happen to you.
You accept the conditions of, and acknowledge the risks arising from, attending the event and  being provided with the event services by MA and the Associated Entitles.

Under CIVIL LIABILITIES ACT 2002; General Admission Crowds may cause Recreational Risks. Patrons must assess their own risk on entry.